7,7 cm. leichte Feld Kanone (l.F.K.) 1916
Above: The 7,7cm. leitchte Feld Kanone 1916 (7,7cm. l.F.K. 16) has the same basic carriage as the 10,5cm. l.F.H. 98/09 and the 10,5cm. l.F.H. 1916. The example we have is not yet restored.
The old 7,7cm l.F.K. 1896 was a non-recoil gun redesigned with a hydro-spring recoil mechanism in order to compete with the French 75mm mle/1897. The 7,7cm l.F.K. 96 n/A had less range than the French 75mm but with support from other artillery such as the 15cm. s.F.H. 1902 the Germans frequently held an overall advantage in terms of fire support capability. Still improvements were need. As is so often the case in war, the first step was taken in the field by the soldiers. The Field Artillery crews would simply dig a hole under the spade and trail for the 7,7cm l.F.K. 96 n/A in order to increase the elevation and consequently the range of the piece. By 1915, a hybrid between the 7,7cm l.F.K. 96 n/A and the 10,5cm l.F.H. 98/09 was quickly put into service. The Barrel/recoil group of the 7,7cm was put into the carriage of the 10,5cm l.F.H. 98/09. The resulting gun was known as the Kanone in Haubitzlafette or KiH. This gave some immediate improvement in terms of elevation capability but barrel length could also increase range. These changes coupled with new separate loading propellant and the same projectile as the old 7,7cm culminated into the 7,7cm l.F.K. 1916.
Above: The 7,7cm. l.F.K. 1916 with new pre-war style wheels
Above: The axle tree seats
Above and Below: Rear veiws of the 7,7cm lFK 1916
Below: the Sight-Mount Range Drum
Below: Notice the Battle Damage
Below: There are a few parts missing for the breech. The machine shop is already working on replacements
Below: the trail section of the German 7,7cm lFK 1916
Below: the spade of the German Krupp 7,7cm lFK 1916
All images, research, and text are sole property of Ralph Lovett.