German Export Krupp 7,5cm Kanone 1881
(Undergoing Restoration)
Above: German export Krupp 7,5cm Kanone with the breech block and elevation mechanism
Above: German export Krupp 7,5cm Kanone with the breech block and elevation mechanism now operational
Above: The Krupp manufactured 7,5cm Kanone dated 1881 export gun. This type was not in German service. The breech is now complete and operational. The ammunition ready round mount and the rammer mount are riveted onto the carriage. These parts fit into place without even having to drill new holes. The elevation mechanism is not present in this photo. It is at the machine shop and should be available shortly. The wheels are not the correct German twelve spoke wheels but are instead US sixteen spoke Archibalds. Hopefully, a correct set of wheels will be built in a few months. The color is a typical Pre-WW1 German/Prussian light bluish grey
Above: The Krupp Company symbol mounted on the wall above the Krupp 7,5cm Kanone
Above: The 7,5cm Kanone horizontal sliding wedge breech block, now all complete and operational, plus the rammer mounts
Above: The Krupp 7,5cm Kanone horizontal sliding wedge breech block, now all complete and operational
Above: The Krupp 7,5cm Kanone ready round mount riveted onto the carriage
Above: The ready round mount, rammer mounts, and the two pieces which extend out from the elevation screw. These were all gifts from Doug MacDougal, and greatly appreciated
Above: The German Friedrich Krupp manufactured 7,5cm Kanone 1881 export gun. The gun is painted light blue which is typical of Prussian and German field artillery of the pre-WW1 era. This piece has the wrong wheels. The ones pictured here are US 57 inch Archibald Artillery Wheels with the hubs cut to fit the axel length of the 7,5cm. The height of these wheels is also much too high and the number of spokes is not correct
Above: Rear view of the Krupp7,5cm Kanone export gun. The original elevation system was a two step worm gear. There are four guns of this type that I know of in the USA. All are privately owned
Above: A side view of the 7,5cm Kanone export gun. Again, the wheels are not correct for this gun. They are US Archibald Wheels. I have a set of 48 inch 12 spoke German wheels that I will likely use with this gun later. The breech block is removed from the gun in this photo. It is the typical Krupp sliding wedge breech system
Above: Front view of the German 7,5cm Kanone export gun. The gun looks somewhat like the German 9cm Kanone C/1873 but is a bit smaller. This type of 7,5cm Kanone was never in German military service even in the colonies. Likely, the gun was exported to Spain and saw service in her national army or one of her colonies
Above: This a close up photo of the breech ring of the German 7,5cm Kanone 1881 export gun. The manufacturer “Fried. Krupp”, date of manufacture “1881”, city of manufacture “Essen”, and the Krupp tri-ring symbols are visible in this photo
Above: Side view of the 7,5cm Kanone export gun
Above: The breech block on the bottom of the photo is the breech block for this gun. The top one is from Adrian Winget’s collection and is being used as a pattern to complete this example
Above: The breech block on the top of the photo is the breech block for this gun. The bottom one is from Adrian Winget’s collection and is being used as a pattern to complete this example
All images, research, and text are sole property of Ralph Lovett.